Wickr – This message will self destruct in 30 seconds!

  • June 30, 2012

No this is’t Tom Cruises latest foray into the popular Mission Impossible series, Wickr, is the new secure messaging service app that could possibly save him and other celebs getting unwanted headlines.


Price: Free
Platform: Iphone, iPad, iPod Touch
Version: 1.6.1
Size: 16.5MB

The free app developed with the assistance of a military computer security expert and a computer crime investigator allows you to send messages with military grade encryption, anonymously and even with a self destruct timer.

Normal email and messaging services leave a trace on a server that the message has been served from, allowing third parties to potentially view the message and/or it’s contents.

The app could be used to send business sensitive information to colleagues, or even by celebrities who may feel their messages are being infiltrated by un-scrupulous journalists.